
“Family Flix” Block, 1PM Saturday

Runtime: 5:53   Ratio: 16:9  Language: English

"T-130" unfolds as a captivating animated short film that intricately weaves the poignant narrative of an under appreciated robot. This cinematic masterpiece takes audiences on a compelling journey through the mechanical heart of a resilient automaton, exploring the depths of its emotions and the intricacies of its existence. As the gears of the story turn, viewers are immersed in a visually stunning and emotionally resonant experience, where the unassuming robot's quest for recognition becomes a universal tale of longing, self-discovery, and the relentless pursuit of one's identity.

Produced in Huntington, WV

Director - Samuel Felinton

Samuel Felinton is an Oscar-qualified filmmaker from Huntington, West Virginia. Starting his career in 2022, Samuel's animations, narratives, and documentaries have been selected for 70+ festivals around the world. He has spoken to hundreds of students over the years to encourage young people to be involved in the arts, and his works have been used as an educational tool in schools and universities around the world.
